UK Baloch activists staged a protest demonstration against Human rights violations in Balochistan

London: A large number of Baloch and their friends have gathered at 10 Dawning Street, London to protest against continuation of Human Rights abuses in Baluchistan by Pakistan and Iran. The protesters demanded of the British government to stop supporting Pakistan as the country was committing atrocities in Balochistan and carrying out the genocide of Baloch Nation. The fundamentalist states of Pakistan and Iran are presently engaged in a vicious competition in their policy of abduction, torture, hanging and under-custody killing of Baloch political and human rights activists. The aim of the protest was to highlight such atrocious actions of Iran and Pakistan and to bring the plight of the Baloch Nation to the attention of International community. The protest was part of our monthly “Save Balochistan Campaign” by International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons. Activists from South Azerbaijan Independence Party, CAMPACC and Al-Ahwaz Democratic Popular Front have also joined the protest to show their solidarity with the people of Balochistan. Speaking from the occasion the Baloch activists said that both Pakistan and Iran are continuing their atrocities in Balochistan with impunity and the International Community and International Human Rights Organisation have failed to take notice of the arrests, disappearance, under-custody killings and executions of numerous Baloch civilian and political activists by these occupying states. Describing the atrocities of Iran and Pakistan the Baloch activists said that Iran has executed at least six innocent Baloch (confirmed) in January 2011 and dozens have been arrested during raids from different town of Balochistan. Pakistan also continues it “kill and dump policy” in Balochistan. The Pakistan military intelligences and Intelligence agencies killed at least 80 Baloch activists under-custody in the last six months of 2010. Year 2011 seems no different than the previous years as the state (Pakistan) continues to commit the genocide of Baloch nation. On 3 January 2011 a member of Baloch student Organisation (azaad), Faraz Baloch was shot dead by Pakistan government agents in Karachi and seriously injured four of his friends. On the night of 4 January 2011 the dead body of Sardarzda Yousaf Langov Baloch was found in a cannel in Kirani area of Quetta. On 4 January 2011 three Baloch including father and brother of an abducted Baloch student Yasir Baloch have been arrested from Trubat on the same night. On 5 January 2011 further two bodies of Baloch students were discovered from Turbat. The victims were identified as Chakar Qambar Baloch, a Central Committee Member of BSO-azaad, and Ilyas Nazar Baloch. Ilyas was a young journalist who was working for a Balochi language magazine Dhorant. The occupying states have been targeting and killing the most conscience and well-informed section of our society. On 6 January 2011 the body of Aazam Badini has been found in Noshki whereas on 8 January 2011 bodies of two Marri Baloch were discovered near panjgor town of Balochistan.The International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons has urged the Baloch Diasporas to join the “Save Balochistan Campaign” by organising meetings and protests in the respective countries where they reside. The IVBMP also urged the Baloch to meet the representatives of different human rights organisations, MPs, MEPs and Human Rights Groups affiliated with the UN Human Rights Council to inform them about the plight of Baloch people.

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