Balochistan Saga: The Executions Continue….

Torture and mutilation of bodies dead and alive is more problematic, if only because it is odious to civilized society. Throughout the years, those cultures which have “seen the light” have been horrified by the desecration of bodies committed by barbarians of other cultures. We think of the Nazis in World War II who justified torture and mutilation of live bodies for “scientific” purposes. The communists in Russia, especially under Stalin, committed similar atrocities on ethnic groups. The Khmer Rouge beheaded and chopped the limbs from innocent people and left them by the thousands in the killing fields of Cambodia. European tribes beheaded their foes posting the heads along roads or at the town gates as a grisly warning to those who would oppose them. The Catholic Church in Europe, especially Spain, during the Inquisition tortured and mutilated those who it thought were possessed by the devil or those it simply wanted to get rid of for political reasons.

Similarly in Baluchistan the military continues the barbaric saga where bodies are dumped on desolate mountains or empty city roads, bearing the scars of great cruelty. Arms and legs are snapped; faces are bruised and swollen. Flesh is sliced with knives or punctured with drills; genitals are singed with electric prods. In some cases the bodies are unrecognizable, sprinkled with lime or chewed by wild animals. All have a gunshot wound in the head.

Surprisingly the army alleged responsible for the horrible barbaric acts “considers the killing of missing people an abhorrent act.” Gen Javed Zia while talking to media dispelled the perception that the army, FC or any other agency was involved in such killings and said that it was not the policy of the army leadership”.

In war or conflicts of such nature, truth is the first casualty. Who is abducting the Baloch people and dumping their mutilated tortured bodies remains a mystery to the military and Pakistani media. The stunning lack of interest in Balochistan’s greatest murder mystery shows the resolve of the government and the military in solving Balochistan issue. The mighty military men disowns involvement of intelligence agencies in committing such barbaric acts at least in front of the media while in gathering of personal nature they openly claim how they are inflicting miseries on the Baloch people. The Wild Wild West mindset did not got them anywhere in Bangladesh and surely the same strategy will get them nowhere in Balochistan.

The country’s powerful military and its unaccountable intelligence gang of sadistic serial killers are running the barbaric show in Baluchistan. Everyday a new headline is made of the latest victim of these sadistic serial killers. The General in his conference made another remarkable statement, that `patriotic elements` had hit back against Baloch insurgents and those involved in desecrating the Pakistani flag. The so called “Patriotic Elements” are the creation of intelligence agencies that are also spotted around roaming in city with their private militias in non tax paid smuggled vehicles with jet black tinted glasses.

Rule of law and supremacy of law have no value in Balochistan. Might is right and intelligence gangs rule the law. If the current strategy of executions, decapitations, torture, mutilation of dead bodies continue than the hope for resolving Balochistan issue can never be achieved. The only way the issue can be resolved now is by showing sincerity and admission to the guilt of committing genocide against the Baloch people and bringing to justice the people who are committing crimes against Baloch nation and give Baloch nation their just and due rights. If the Military, Government or who ever is running the show in Balochistan thinks that by forming militias i.e. “Patriotic Elements” and letting them target Baloch nationalists and intellects will resolve the issue is surely not understanding the gravity of Balochistan issue. Similar tactics were used in Bangladesh where private militias like Al-Badr and Al-Shams were formed for conducting a mass killing campaign against Bengali nationalists, civilians, scholars, students, doctors and political activists.

The same saga is being repeated again, the same strategy is being adopted again and the same tools of death has been used again to deter what the army thinks as an insurgency. The number of killings and deaths will lead to more people joining the ranks of the Sarmachars in order to retaliate to the atrocities committed to them or their family members by the military establishment. At the moment it seems that their will be no end to this sorry saga of executions in Balochistan.

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