[u]IVBMP announcement Date: 21/01/2012[/u]International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (IVBMP) was set up to campaign against abductions, enforced-disappearances and extra judicial killing of Baloch political activists by the occupying states of Pakistan and Iran. One individual that co-operated with us in this campaign, at early days, was Mr Ahmar Mustikhan. From the very inception of IVBMP we were cautioned about the character and true intention of this individual by many Baloch who knew him more closely. Nevertheless, his collaboration with us was for a short period of time and relatively insignificant.Though IVBMP is a non-political organisation and mainly exists to expose the human right violation and other atrocities of Pakistan and Iran, against Baloch people, on international platform. However, we do respect and recognise the political struggle of Baloch Nation against the illegal occupation of Balochistan. Mr Mustikhan lately has started a venom campaign against Baloch Human Rights activists and Political leaders. In the past also he has been involved in defaming the Baloch political leaders and activists belonging to different political parties in Balochistan and abroad and hence hurting the feelings of Baloch nation.Therefore, we, the organising committee of IVBMP, have come to the conclusion that Mr Mustikhan has never intended to defend Baloch human and democratic rights. He has never been sincere with Baloch cause. All his activities have proven to us that he has been engaged in a pre-planned and systematic crusade to pursue the policy of repressive security forces of the occupying states. Hereby, we announce that Mr Mustikhan is no longer affiliated with our organisation. We also warn all Human Rights Organisations, Baloch political parties and activists to be vigilant about his baseless allegations against Baloch Freedom Movement both inside and outside Balochistan.[u]International Voice for Baloch Missing Person (IVBMP)[/u]

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