They said that FC is directly involved in human rights violations in Balochistan therefore it is the responsibility of international community to intervene in Balochistan on urgent basis. BHRO said state and Supreme Court both are incapable to stop state forces from violating Human rights. Therefore, UN should impose sanctions on Pakistan instead of issuing recommendations.Vice of Chairman of VBMP, Mama Qadeer, while talking to delegation, said Human rights originations have expressed their concerns on the state of human rights violations in Balochistan which is an acknowledgment that Pakistan as state is violating human rights but unfortunately within Pakistan there is no any organization that pays heed to international human rights law and openly admits crimes against humanity. He requested that International human rights organizations should not just condemn and limit themselves with sympathetic statements. Mama Qadeer said no matter if Pakistan temporarily become supportive or ally to any country but the fact is that Pakistan’s existences depends on blackmailing of these forces. By doing so it is prolonging its occupation and plundering of resources of other nations in the region