The Baloch Human Rights Organisation on Thursday announced that it will hold a protest demonstration outside Karachi press Club on Sunday, 24 March.According the BHRO statement Pakistani military carried out offensives in Kohistan Marri and Kardgaap area of district Mastung in Balochistan. The BHRO said military used tanks, heavy arms and fighter jets to target the civilian populated areas.“The ground forces carried out a house-to-house search are arrested three Baloch teachers namely Haji Jumma Khan, Sawal Khan sarparah and Ramzan sarparah Baloch. Innocent Baloch women and children were also beaten up and harassed. Many women have been critically injured because of Pakistan military’s torture.”Meanwhile, the BHRO said, Pakistan fighter jets bombarded civilian populated areas in Kohistan Marri region of Balochistan killing at least one person named Haji Sher Gull Marri. Several livestock have also been killed and houses of nomads burnt to ashes.The BHRO said state forces are carrying out human rights violation unabated in different areas of Balochistan including Kohistan Marri (Kohlu), Dera Bugti, Kalat, Mashky, New Kahan (Quetta), Awaran and Panjgur.“The enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings of Baloch youth is also on rise by Pakistani forces,” the BHRO said adding that world should take notice of Pakistan’s atrocities against people of Balochistan.They Baloch Human Rights Organisation said that silence of UN and other civilised nations on Baloch genocide was tantamount to their approval of Pakistan’s crimes against humanity. They urged the Human Rights Organisations to end their prejudice toward Baloch people and play their role to stop the Baloch genocide and other gross human rights violations in Balochistan.