Vancouver: (March 23, 2013) International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (IVBMP) and Baloch Human Rights Council of Canada ( BHRC) organised a one day awareness campaign at Vancouver Art Gallery to inform common Canadians about ongoing Human Rights violations in Balochistan. The Baloch activists distributed pamphlets and displayed images innocents Baloch children and mothers and relatives of abducted Baloch appealing to the United Nations and international community to help release their abducted loved ones form the custody of Pakistan and Iran. The display was part of IVBMP’s two-month awareness campaign world-wide which kicked off from London, United Kingdom in February this year. The one day awareness campaign was another success, visited by public from all walks of life; including tourists from the United States and Europe. The public were engaged by the images but disheartened by the atrocities and state terror being inflicted on Baloch people. Going through the images they showed their disbelief and strongly condemn such atrocities against Baloch people by Pakistan and Iran. Visitors of the information booth wanted to be pro active and even suggested to start a petition about ongoing Human Rights violations in Balochistan which they were more than willing to sign.IVBMP through their human rights awareness campaign has appealed to the United Nations and International Community to act now against non democratic and fundamentalist regimes of Pakistan and Iran. “These states are violating the Baloch people’s rights to freedom, equality which is against the United Nations’ Charters and International laws,” said the Baloch campaignersThe Baloch Human Rights activists at the information booth informed the Canadian public that form past ten years Pakistani military have been carrying out operations in Dera Bugti, Mashkey, Kohlu and Makuran. Pakistani military murdered innocents Baloch children, women, elders, evicted Baloch nomads and demolished their tents and houses. They were forced to be internally displaced, living in other provinces and thousands of them were forced to flee to neighbouring Afghanistan. Pakistan’s secret intelligence agencies and security forces have abducted more than 14000 Baloch. The Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) (a non -profit organization) consists of abducted Baloch families based in Balochistan has been in the forefront of highlighting the Human Rights issues. More than 600 Baloch activists have been extra judicially killed in custody by Pakistani security agencies while Iranian regimes are committing summary executions, and hanging Baloch youth in public. The IVBMP Canada Co-ordinator Aziz Baloch said, “The cultural genocide continues against Baloch people in these countries, the fact is something has to be done. The world cannot continue to stand idle as the death toll rises. The people of Balochistan need assistance in the struggle for freedom and survival and the IVBMP is working to make sure that there message for help are heard.”