The spokesman of BHRO has said that Pakistani forces have abducted an 80 years old Baloch, Nehal Khan Bugti, from Dera Bugti. A man identified as Shehak Baloch and four of his friends were abducted from Noshki. Whereas, a vegetable vendor, Abdul Wahab Baloch, and his friend were abducted from Hub town. The spokesman further said that the human rights in Balochistan have further escalated. Military operations in different areas of Balochistan have started and the abductions of Baloch people are also in full swing. Pakistani forces and secret agencies are brutalising and terrorising the common people of Balochistan continuously, which has turned Balochistan into a war zone. “The criminal silence of UN an other human rights organisations on Baloch genocide is second to complicity. The UN and other organisations should realise their duty and immediately take action to stop Baloch genocide,” said spokesman of BHRO.