Quetta: The hunger strike of relatives of Baloch missing persons entered 1120 day. Ex-chairman of BSO, Moheem Kham Baloch, visited the camp to express solidarity with the families. He said it is natural when colonialists occupy a land they snatch all rights from the natives just like it happened in Australia, Balochistan, Kurdistan and Palestine. He said colonialists basically depend on power but to keep their hegemony in future they eliminate the tradition and culture of the natives and also use lethal tactics of changing the demography of population so they can remain on the occupied land and loot resources.Vice chairman while talking about the mutilated bodies said that even today a Baloch youth Takseer son of Mohammad Ibrahim’s body was found in Karachi he was abducted three months ago from Turbat. He said 20 bodies of disappeared Baloch have been thrown only in this month.