Karachi: Baloch intellectual and journalist Haji Abdul Razaq Baloch’s family stages a protest demonstration in front of Karachi press club against his illegal abduction and enforced disappearance.According to details the family of Haji Abdul Razak Baloch with their friends demonstrated in front of Karachi press club. A vast number of Baloch woman and children participated in the demonstration. They were carrying play cards and banners and chanted slogans for the release of Mr Baloch. Participants demanded the release of Haji Abdul Razaq Baloch, and asked the international human rights organizations and Journalist organisations to play their role for early and safe release of the Baloch journalist. It is pertinent to mention that, Mr. Baloch worked as a proof reader for Daily Tawar, an Urdu daily newspaper published from Karachi. He was abducted on 24 March 2013 from Chakiwara area of Lyari in Karachi.Daily Tawar is the only impartial newspaper in Balochistan and it editorials exposed the state’s atrocities towards the Baloch nation. Because of Daily Tawar bold stand against states anti Baloch policies many of its journalist staff have been abducted and killed by Pakistani intelligence agencies. Last month on 7 April its Karachi office was attacked, burned and all its records were burnt and the equipment was stolen. Eyewitness had reported that the attacker were Pakistani officials in civilian clothing. The publication of Daily Tawar has been stopped since the attack and destruction of its office. Courtesy: Baluch Sarmachar blog