(Konarek/Zahedan), according to Rasank news, on 15 November 2022, a Baloch citizen identified as Hussam Salehpour, 28-years-old S/O Chaker was arrested by plainclothes forces during widespread protests in Konarak.
According to an eyewitness, Hassam Salehpour did not participate the protests and was arrested while just arriving on a motorcycle. The source added: “While people prevented one of the arrests, the plainclothes forces kidnapped Hassam Salehpour and forcibly boarded him in the vehicle.
On 16 November 2022, a Baloch citizen identified as Noor Mohd Rigi S/O Gholam Sarwar, a resident of the ChaharRah, Rasouli area has been confirmed to be arrested by Iranian security forces in Zahedan.
According to the sources, when Noor Mohammad was passing from the location of protest on Bozormehr street, the Iranian security forces arrested him.