Zahedan – Cambyz Khorot, a young Baloch protester from Zahedan, has been sentenced to death on charges of war and corruption. Arash Sadeghi announced this verdict on his Instagram page.
Kambyz Khorot was tried by two branches of Martyr Nouri Zahedan Criminal Court on charges of “disturbance and chaos, through war and corruption on earth”, and his death sentence was announced to him on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
He has denied all these charges against him in court.
Kambyz Khorut was previously arrested by the security forces at his workplace in Zahedan on Saturday 1 October 2022, and was finally released on bail in early November.
Then, on Saturday 12 November 2022, he was summoned and arrested again without any explanation and was transferred to Ward 9 of Zahedan prison.
Let’s be the voice of Cambys Khroot..
IVBMP urges Amnesty and Red Cross and other international human rights organizations to ask for immediate intervention from the UN to release Kambyz Khroot from illegal detention as he is facing a death sentence by an Iranian kangaroo court!