“Save Balochistan Campaign” rally to held in front of American Consulate in Canada

Vancouver: In relation to “Save Baluchistan Campaign” a rally will be held in front of the American Consulate Vancouver. The peaceful rally will highlight the ongoing serious human rights violations in Baluchistan including the enforced disappearances and dump and kill policy of disappeared Baloch political activists by Pakistan Military. Government of Pakistan and its army gets enormous financial and military aid from the United States in the name of war on “terror”. Due to no accountability they used these resources to crush the secular and democratic Independence movement of Baloch people. Pakistan is committing crimes against humanity by extra-judicially killing Baloch human rights activists, students, leaders and political workers. On the other hand, the nuclear ambitious state of Iran is busy in cultural cleansing of Baloch nation and continues to execute Baloch on flimsy charges by alleging them being “enemy of GOD”. The rally Organisers have appealed all peace loving people and Organisation to come out to in support of “Save Balochistan Campaign”. When: January 31, 2011Where: 1095 West Pender Street, Vancouver Time: Noon to 13:00pm International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons – Canada & BHRC – Vancouver, CanadaContact by email; balochcommunity.bc.ca@gamil.com

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