Abdul Qadir Baoch is 19-years old young boy, he was kidnapped by police and intelligence agencies without any reason & charges at the middle of the night in front of his family members and after 2 days (3rd April 2011) he was produced to Pakistani media (Geo TV etc and BBC-Urdu) as a member of an organization “Lashkar E Balochistan”.The different fake charges and cases have been fabricated against him by Pakistani Intelligence Agencies and accused him for carrying and planting heavy explosives devices. According to BBC he is accused for carrying one BM-rocket, 4-kg explosive device, 30-kg anti tank landmine-explosive, 107 explosive devices and detonators and he is also accused for the rocket attacks, detonating explosive in Malir and terrorism planning during Z.A. Bhutto anniversary.The young boy carrying such heavy devices are overestimated by Intelligence agencies with respect to load per person. And the charges of attacks are completely baseless and fake charges. These fake charges and cases against an innocent young boy undoubtedly show criminal and shameless attitude of the Pakistani police and Intelligence agencies toward innocent poor Baloch people in the locality of Karachi. This cruel act from intelligence agencies of Pakistan shows the corruption and failure of law & order system, and no one can be asked for justice against these shameful accusations.As relative, I don’t know who should be asked for these shameless deeds of Pakistan Intelligence Agencies and who should be asked for justice in this corrupt Pakistani system and corrupt authorities.I would like to make an appeal on behalf of his family to kindly look into this matter seriously and raise your voice for poor people and injustice. The family of the Abdul Qadir Baloch is suffering very deeply in shock and they are just common and poor people. They don’t have any money and they do not have any kind of connections with the elites and leaders of this corrupt country. This young boy had no connection with any Baloch groups or Organization. He is just a clerk in a poultry farm, his family dependant on him and his earning.http://baluchsarmachar.wordpress.com/2011/04/05/an-appeal-for-abdul-qadir-kalmati-baloch-on-behalf-of-his-family