International Week of Struggle Against Disappearances Vigil held in London

London: Enforced disappearance is a special method of repression implemented by the imperialist, reactionary and fascist states against the people and their organized forces. These states, using all kinds of methods in order to repress the developing social opposition, would kidnap and kill the opposition members. And yet, they will not give any information to the relatives and the public on the faith of the disappeared. Thus they would try to put in fear, intimidate and silence the society by putting the faith of the disappeared to uncertainty; whether they are alive or not. While using all kinds of dirty war tactics against the furthering national movements, the colonial states also put into force the policy of enforced disappearances.In this regard International Committee Against Disappearances have held a Vigil in front of National Gallery at Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday. The Vigil was supported by International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons and British Tamil Forum. Participants of the protest displayed pictures of victims of enforced disappeared and those who have been killed under-custody by occupying states. The protesters also demanded from the International Human Rights Organisations, International Media and Western Democracies to take notice of occupying states’ atrocities against oppressed Nations. They said Liberation Movements that are struggling for liberation and prosperity of their Nation are being crushed with sheer military might and their activists are being brutally massacred by fascist states with International impunity. They urged the UN to take timely action against the ongoing state violence in Tamil Elam, in Kurdistan and in Balochistan where thousands of people have been forcefully disappeared and thousands have been killed during bombardment on civilian populations. The speakers said even though UN has finally release its report on War crimes of Sri Lanka against Tamil Elam but the UN have failed to prevent this disaster from happening. The massacre of Tamil could have easily been prevented had the UN taken timely action.The protesters urged the International Community including, UE, UN and United Kingdom to take notice of the atrocities against oppressed Nation by occupying states. They demanded that perpetrators of war crimes must be brought o justices. [url=]Click here[/url] to view pictures of Vigil

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