A protest was staged in front of Quetta Press Club by Baloch Human Rights Organization, which campaigns against human rights violations in Balochistan.Addressing the protestors, the leaders of BHRO said that human rights violations in Balochistan have become a daily routine.“The Pakistani forces yesterday initiated a deadly military operation in Dera Bugti and Naseerabad abducting many individuals and setting on fire many houses. Pakistani forces are terrorizing the localities of Chithar, Faleji, Konari, Yaaro, Darbar and adjoining areas,” said the speakers.The BHRO representatives issued names of abductees, which include Sadiq Bugti, Usman s/o Joro Bugti, Shahnawaz s/o Bagiya Bugti.“We have high fears that these abducted Baloch would also be killed like hundreds of others,” he said.He also said that forces set ablaze hundreds of houses. Valuables including cash, jewelry, motorcycles and livestocks were looted by the Pakistani soldiers.“Similarly, on 4 March personnel of secret agencies also abducted a Baloch student, Muslim s/o Imam uddin,” he added.He also informed that Pakistani forces are preparing a full-scale military operation in Khuzdar, Jaffar Abad and Mashkay. Whereas, locals of Dera Bugti, Jaffar Abad, Mashkay, Awaran, Mastung, Kalat and Mangochar have already suffered the wrath of Pakistani forces.