QUETTA: The tortured and bullet riddled bodies of two previously missing Baloch persons were found in in Pasni Balochistan on Tuesday. According to details the bodies of Yousaf son of Younas Baloch resident of Pasni and Haneef Baloch son of Gajian Baloch resident of Kulaanch area of Gawadar were found in Pasni.Both victims were registered as abducted in the databases of ‘[url=http://www.bygwaah.com/modules/bygwaah/missing_detail.php?mid=315]International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons[/url]’ and ‘[url=http://new.balochmissing.com/missing_view.php?SelectedID=01653]Missing[/url]’.Yousaf Baloch was abducted on 31 January, 2013 from his houses in Ward 5 Pasni whereas Haneef Baloch was abducted on 10 February, 2015 from Kulaanch area of district Gawadar Balochistan. Despite the fact that these people were missing from past many years, police SHO Imam Bakhsh claimed that both men were killed in an exchange of firing with Pakistani forces in Pasni on Tuesday morning.