Kamran Sajdi

According to Baloch warna news,plain clothed men have abducted three Baloch students including two brothers from Karachi on 4th of January 2018.

The MA International Relations student Mumtaz Sajidi and Kamran Sajidi were picked up and disappeared from Madhu Goth area of Karachi city, their brother Naeem Karim Sajidi posted on Facebook, “My brother Mumtaz and Kamran has been disappeared last nigh.According to eyewitnesses’ the plain-clothed men also were accompanied by two local police mobile. They checked the ID cards of all four brothers present at the time of the raid on their house then abducted Mumtaz and Kamran sparing the other two brothers.Kamran and his brother has been released on 6th January of 2018 from Karachi city.

Place of Abduction

Date Abducted

Date Released / Killed

Home Town

Khuzdar, Balochistan
Madhu Goth Karachi, Sindh